Players, Coaches, Managers, Officials and Families.


Please see attached memo from Basketball Tasmania (including link to statement from Basketball Australia) regarding the situation related Coronavirus (COVID-19).


In short, the 2020 senior BTAS competition, the upcoming junior grading tournaments and the commencement of the 2020 junior BTAS competition have been postponed.


The Hobart Phoenix Basketball Association (HPBA) board has tonight discussed the situation further and we have made the decision to indefinitely suspend all basketball related activity effective immediately, until further notice. This includes:

  • All social basketball (AYC and BBL competitions administered by HPBA).
  • All team training sessions.
  • All Aussie Hoops sessions.
  • Any other basketball related activity administered by HPBA.


Obviously as has been reported widely, the rate of spread of COVID-19 in Tasmania has been limited and there has been no documented person to person spread at this point. However, we do recognise the concern amongst the community and the fact the majority of our membership are children, and the majority of our activities take place in school gymnasiums, and therefore have come to this decision to prevent our members and their families being exposed to unnecessary risk.


We hope that activities will resume soon, and will provide further information when it comes to hand following further consultation with Basketball Tasmania and any advice from government.


Complete list of updates from Basketball Tasmania contained below:

Memo_COVID-19 Update_11Mar20

Memo_COVID-19 Update_13Mar20

Memo_COVID-19 Update_15Mar20

Memo_COVID-19 Update_16Mar20

Media Release – Basketball Tasmania closes office for 4 weeks