Document Title: Hobart Phoenix Basketball Club Privacy Policy
Created by: Phoenix Basketball Club Committee of Management
Date of First Issue: January 2009
Date of Last Review: –
Date of Next Review: Review Pending

Our Privacy Policy
Phoenix Basketball Club is committed to ensuring the requirements of the Information Privacy Act 2000 are fully met.
The Club, committee and all its members should at all times endeavour to comply strictly with the following guidelines.
To make all Committee and General Members of the Club aware of the Phoenix Basketball Club privacy policy.
To ensure that the Phoenix Basketball Club policies and procedures protect all members equally.
To ensure that all Phoenix Basketball Club information and member personal information is only shared where and when applicable and with appropriate discretion.
To minimise any broadcasting of information either electronically or manually to any third party to whom the information has no relevance.
Phoenix Basketball Club has a privacy policy that applies to all management, coaches, managers and members that restrict the passage of information (either electronically or manually) to any person other than to whom the information is relevant given their position within the Club or a designated program. The personal and private information is not to be copied or distributed by any means by any executive, general committee member or other member of the Club.
The following points are to ensure that Phoenix Basketball Club database, member details and other information received in relation to the running of the club are used exclusively for Phoenix Basketball Club business. To this end, all details sent to the Club or received by the Club remain the exclusive property of Phoenix Basketball Club.
The Phoenix Basketball Club and its management committee value the privacy of every member’s personal information and family details. The Club is committed to protecting the information it collects and uses by compliance with its obligations under the Information Privacy Act 2000.
Protecting Privacy
Protecting your privacy and your personal information is an important aspect of the way we create, organise and implement our activities at an administrative level, on-line and off-line.
Personal details are collected through Club/Team registrations and stored in both its original written format and also electronically to assist with data base management. Members are encouraged to provide the Club with current and up to date details. All members and officials can access our website without disclosing personal information.
The Club will only record an individual’s E-mail address and/or contact details if they send our site a message or the information is provided by registering with the Club. The information an individual provides is collected for the purposes of responding to the matters that are raised in an individual’s electronic correspondence or for providing up to date information that directly relates to the Club and its activities. Please note that the Clubs activities include its registered association with other basketball programs governed by the rules and regulations of Basketball Tasmania and Basketball Australia. We will only collect personal information that is necessary to perform the functions required by the Club or it’s affiliated associations. We will only use personal information provided for the purposes for which it was collected that relates to playing basketball. We will ensure that your personal information will not be disclosed to other Clubs, institutions or authorities except if required by laws/by-laws governed by Basketball Tasmania or Basketball Australia or other association regulations.
When you provide the Phoenix Basketball Club with personal details about other individuals, the Club relies on you to make them aware that such information will or may be provided to the Club. We will remove personal information where it is no longer required. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that personal information is accurate, complete and up to date whenever the Club collects, discloses or uses it. The Club may, at its discretion, disclose personal details to designated or duly elected Club Officials for tribunals or incident reports, health and medical conditions that may impact on a third party responsible for the temporary care or responsibility of a minor.
All reasonable steps will be taken to protect the security of the personal information held from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. This includes appropriate measures to protect electronic materials and materials stored and generated in a hard copy.
Monitoring privacy
Phoenix Basketball Club e-mail policy is being adhered to. E-mails sent to the Club are monitored at several levels and consideration should be given to sending information of a sensitive nature. Committee members, coaches and managers must give due consideration to privacy before distributing information. All correspondence brought to a committee meeting is logged and tabled for discussion.
Phoenix Basketball Club members found to be acting in contravention of the above policies will be warned by the appropriate coordinator and asked not to re-offend. Members who continue to disregard the above policy will be formally warned and then may face dismissal if the offence is considered to be of a serious nature.
Members who offend by either sending, transmitting e-mails to or from the Club that violate Club guideline will be automatically asked to give reason why they should not be removed from any and all future correspondence with the Club. Note that any offence associated with pornography or insulting behaviour will be automatically classified as being of a serious nature and action will be taken.
At the discretion of the Committee of Management any volunteer, Club Member or Official may be called upon to explain his or her action.
Alternatively, Basketball Australia has a Members Protection Policy that may be utilised should the case be considered outside the scope and expertise of any regulating committee.
The Phoenix Basketball Club follows all guidelines and Codes of Conduct set by Basketball Tasmania/Basketball Australia. Should any member or family member of a Club Member choose to act outside these guidelines the Committee of Management reserve the right to take any necessary action to protect its members.